
Are you disappointed when you examine how productive you’ve been at work? Maybe you start your day poised like a leopard over a herd of gazelles, ready to pounce. When you look back at how industrious you’ve been later, though, you realize you tapped individual targets with your paw rather than bringing home dinner. Well, even the most productive professionals have unsuccessful days. Keep reading to find out three ineffective behaviors you can eliminate to increase your productivity each day.

Give up Multitasking

Not so long ago, if you could multi-task, people were jealous of you. Everyone wanted fingers in many pies. Now it turns out, few people can multi-task and one finger, one pie is sensible thinking. That’s not to say you can’t have more than one business, just don’t work on several at the same time.

Henry Ford knew the key to success lay in focusing on one task at a time. He came up with an idea in 1913 to increase productivity that worked; assembly lines. Individuals who made his cars worked on particular tasks, and mass production was born.

Over a hundred years since Ford’s epiphany, research has backed up his method to increase output. Recent studies show 98% of people get more done when they concentrate on a single task at a time, so take note. Do one job before moving on to another.

Forget Perfectionism

Did anyone ever tell you to examine yourself and iron out imperfections? If so, their words may have sounded wise. In reality, though, striving to be perfect isn’t helpful. Examining everything you do will halt output. Over-analyzing kills creativity, ruins self-esteem, and makes you slow.

Check your work, by all means. Don’t toil over each step, though, picking fault. You’ll get more done if you write that business letter without checking your grammar until it’s finished.

Drop Excuses

If you tell yourself you can’t achieve your goals, guess what? You’re right. The same goes if you think increasing production is impossible. Negativity leads to excuses; you make up reasons you can’t get more done and justify poor results.

Chart Westcott, Esq. is the COO of Ikarian Capital. “Excuses are never helpful; the best strategy is to learn from situations and move forward as soon as possible. Dwelling on excuses makes a bad situation worse,” argues Westcott.

If you need more money or skills to get ahead, don’t give up. Drop excuses and find ways to progress. Get a mentor, raise capital, or gain the knowledge you need.

You can be more productive, but have to change your ways. Don’t do too much at once, and remember; you need not make everything perfect. Also, don’t limit your success with excuses and your output will grow.
