printed carrier bags

Marketing in 2018 has been a challenge, with a change to Google’s algorithm as well as other elements to consider such as search intent, marketing in general has become much more difficult. Here we are going to take a look at 5 marketing techniques that you probably haven’t thought of for your business.

  1. Personalisation

Personalisation is particularly important in email marketing, this is so that people are inclined to answer the email. By personalising all marketing collateral to the people that you are sending material to, you automatically make them feel included. This then helps to build brand loyalty and boost sales as this makes customers feel valued by the brand and continue to purchase your products throughout the course of the year. By personalising some printed carrier bags you can help to implement a successful marketing tactic as it will boost brand awareness when walking around the high-street.

  1. Boost Quality Of Content

One of the best techniques for your business’s marketing is to boost the quality of the content that you are creating. This will help your effort with the likes of content marketing, as the content is more engaging for the target audience and helps to keep them invested. If your content is engaging and tailored to your specific audience as well as informative and fit for purpose you are far more likely to have a successful marketing effort overall. To discover how to significantly improve the quality of your material, visit this website:  

  1. Competition

Another way that you can advertise your brand is by having a competition. This is not only beneficial for your site as a whole, but Google favours user generated content. Therefore by running a competition for your customers where winner has the chance to have their content shown on your business’s site you can help to boost engagement as well as your overall SEO efforts. A competition held on social media will help to grow a brand at a steady rate. This can either be a competition on LinkedIn or another form of social media to help you have the very best results from your campaign.

  1. Text Messages

Another way that you can boost marketing is through the use of text messages, this is so that you can contact your target audience directly. A prime example of this is Domino’s Pizza who text their prospective customers offering deals. This is key as this then allows them to communicate directly and boost the amount of revenue that is being made within the company.

Not only can using text messages help to make the customer feel welcomed by your company but it can also have a larger outreach of people. This is in part down to the amount of time that people spend on their phones during the day. By sending a text you are more likely to capture the attention of your target audience.

  1. Know Your Audience

The key to marketing is knowing your target audience, without knowing your audience you cannot tailor elements to suit them and give them the information that they need in a format that works. Finding the audience that suits you is easy with a little bit of research. This is crucial as this allows you to segment the people that are visiting your site and tailor content to them to suit their needs and wants.

With all this in mind, there are a number of ways that you can market your business and your product or services and knowing your audience is at the crucks of it all. Where will you start?