In the past, spam was obvious, promising those who received it impossible things such as money from a prince in a foreign country, but modern scammers are more clever nowadays. The impact on your business a single virus or malware can cause is significant, which is why you need anti-spam software from the start as a form of defence against this threat. Spam is an aggressive and rapidly evolving technique used to lure people from all over the world into a trap that can cause serious damage to a company, stealing information and otherwise compromising files.

Spam may contain malware, which hackers utilise to harm your business, and is often cleverly disguised as emails that seem harmless. Once clicked on by one of your employees, it will infect the computer and every computer hooked into the system to steal private data and more. However, having employees thoroughly investigate every email may lose hours of productivity across the board, which is why you will benefit from using anti-spam software.

Block Threats

Mailcleaner is one option that will help you block any spam from ever reaching your employee’s inbox in the first place, effectively removing the risk of any links being clicked. The threat is automatically identified, and is then held securely or immediately deleted, depending on the software. This is the best and most effective way to avoid activating malware and keep productivity inside the office at an all-time high.


Real mail must stand out and avoid the trash so that clients receive prompt replies, employees receive important messages and memos, and no one is left out of the loop on important happenings inside the business. Anti-spam filtering is sophisticated enough to recognise which emails are safe and which to block so you can receive only valid and important mail in your inbox. This will not only decrease the chance of infection with malware, but will also increase productivity and efficiency within your office.


Many businesses find that they are subject to strict privacy and data storage regulations, and some are held to higher standards than others. To continue great and valid operation, it is imperative that these companies meet conditions, including always utilising spam filtering to reduce the risk of a data breach. With several infamous breaches already on the books, you must do whatever you can to reduce the chances of an attack on your own server due to a missed email click.


Often, even a small breach in security can cause a company to significantly reduce the positive reception of its work. Reputation can be built up slowly over time and with much hard work, but can be torn down and tarnished in a single instant. Filtering and blocking will not only significantly increase the chances that you will never see your reputation tarnished, but will also prove to your clients and business partners that you care about the safety of your stored data, which is something you must take very seriously if you want to see your business grow over time.